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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 26.07.2024, Read : 16

No.255. Offering a new premium speed “7 talent service” from June 2024

In honor of our 25th anniversary, Cesna Recruitment has recently introduced the Cesna RecruitmentX team, offering a new premium speed “7 talent service” starting from June 2024. This new service guarantees newly contracted clients can receive three to seven candidate recommendations within three to seven working days according to the standard contract condition. Covering various specialism such as human resources, finance, accounting, and legal positions, this inventive recruitment service promises to deliver high-quality, efficient, and swift recruitment solutions to both domestic and international firms. Businesses struggling with staffing challenges can expect this service to provide fresh recruitment solutions. Read more:

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 26.07.2024, Read : 16

No.254. Congratulations to Chayanis Channy Kerdsook on her first work anniversary!

Congratulations to Chayanis Channy Kerdsook on her first work anniversary! Channy has quickly risen to become one of our top-performing consultants, demonstrating exceptional commitment, skills, and a passion for delivering outstanding results. We appreciate having you on our team and eagerly anticipate observing your ongoing achievements and influence in the future.hashtag#workanniversary hashtag#career hashtag#cesna hashtag#recruitment

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 24.07.2024, Read : 29

No.253. 세스나 리쿠르트먼트, 글로벌 마일스톤 25주년 기념식 개최

(세스나 USA 리쿠르트먼트팀)한국 헤드헌팅 기업 세스나 리쿠르트먼트(CESNA, 이하 세스나)는 글로벌 마일스톤 성공 25주년을 맞아 기념식을 개최했다고 23일 밝혔다. 세스나는 1999년 서울 강남구에서 첫 회사를 창업, 올해로 25주년을 맞이한 한국계 글로벌 헤드헌팅 기업이다. 2003년 미국 뉴저지주 잉글우드 클리프(법인장 조재원, 미국명 Richard)에 본부를 위치하고 현재 서울, 중국 상하이, 타이랜드 방콕 등 4개국에 지역법인을 운영 중이다. 업체에 따르면 세스나는 한국 헤드헌팅 기업으로 미국, 중국, 타일랜드에서 정부가 발행한 고급인력자문 라이센스를 모두 보유하고 있다. 이 중 일부 국가의 인력자문 허가증은 규정과 발급 조건이 매우 까다로와 진입장벽이 높은 것으로 알려져있지만 세스나는 오랜시간 인력과 비용을 투자하여 이들 국가에서 라이센스를 받았다. 각 지역거점 중 중국시장은 2012년부터 상하이에, 동남아 시장은 2022년부터 타이랜드 방콕에 현지 지역법인을 설립하여 현재 운영중이다. 현재 내부조직은 인사, 재무, 의료, 마케팅 등 직무 분야별로 12개의 전문화된 팀을 구성하여 고객기업의 인재수요에 대응하고 있으며 매년 미국 뉴욕에서는 인사재무책임자(HR & CFO) 교류를 위한 라운드 테이블을 개최하고 있다. 또한 그동안 뉴욕, 상하이, LA, 서울 등 주요 도시에서 개최된 코리안 글로벌 취업 박람회 등 다양한 리크루팅 관련 이니셔티브를 개발해 진행하기도 했다. 참업후 25년간 한국기업을 필두로 포춘지 선정 500대 기업을 포함한 4000여개 글로벌 고객사에 채용업무를 지원하며 1만건 이상의 고급인재 채용을 완료하는 성과를 이뤘다고 업체 측은 전했다. 또한 각국 세스나에서 근무중인 컨설턴트의 출신 국가는 미국, 한국, 일본, 중국, 타이, 아르헨티나, 브라질, 홍콩, 뉴질랜드 등 10여개국으로 다양하다. 이에 각국 현지법인의 내부 공용 언어는 영어이고 해당 지역국가의 현지 언어를 병행 사용한다.Read more:

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 22.07.2024, Read : 35

No.252. This month marks a significant milestone for Cesna Recruitment of our 25th anniversary!

This month marks a significant milestone for Cesna Recruitment of our 25th anniversary! Over the past year, we've grown, innovated, and achieved remarkable success together. This journey wouldn't have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our incredible team, the unwavering support of our clients, and the strong partnerships we've built. Check out the video:

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 17.07.2024, Read : 56

No.251. We're excited to have Mae Sakamoto joining our US Team!

We're excited to have Mae Sakamoto joining our HR, Accounting & Finance team! Her education background and work experience have equipped her with bilingual skills, including proficiency in English and Japanese which will help us better understand the unique needs of our multinational clients and candidates.One of Mae's favorite things to do is surfing. She lives in a small town near the beach, so she can spend a lot of time there enjoying the waves.

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 16.07.2024, Read : 55

No.250. Quarter Top Billers Lunch in New York City!

We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible success of our last Quarter Top Billers at Hatsuhana's sushi specialty restaurant in New York City. Congratulations to Brandon K. Park, MBA, Carson Zhu and Leah Shi as they highly achieved many amazing sales records over the last quarter! To celebrate their outstanding achievements and hard work, they went to hashtag#Hatsuhana to enjoy some great japanese food and also visited hashtag#MOMA where is an extraordinary exhibition to explore paintings collection from Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet. Let's us give a big applause to our winners again!

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 12.07.2024, Read : 70

No.249. Join us in celebrating Kamilia Kang's 8th work anniversary!

Wishing a heartfelt congratulation to Kamila Kang on celebrating her 8th work anniversary this month of July! Your contributions have been instrumental in our collective success. Here's to many more years of growth, achievement, and shared success together. Congratulations once again on this remarkable work anniversary!

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 10.07.2024, Read : 74

No.248. We're excited to have talented individual, Nathanael Lee joining our US team this month!

We're excited to have talented individual, Nathanael Lee joining our US team this month! Joining as an Associate Consultant in our Sales & Marketing team, Nate brings over four years of solid working experience in both technological and service industries. He is known for his strong communication and negotiation skills, making him adept at handling multicultural clients. During his free time, Nate loves to play basketball and volleyball with his friends! hashtag#welcome hashtag#new hashtag#join hashtag#cesna hashtag#recruitment hashtag#career

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 10.07.2024, Read : 75

No.247. We are proud to mark our 25th anniversary in the professional recruitment industry!

We are proud to mark our 25th anniversary in the professional recruitment industry! Starting out from a small office in 1999, we would not be where we are today without the relationship and support of our clients, candidates, and our colleagues.Thank you to our amazing team, clients, and partners for your support. Here's to many more years of growth, success, and teamwork!See yourself thriving with us? hashtag#celebration hashtag#anniversary hashtag#cesna

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 06.07.2024, Read : 76

No.246. Are you ready for our new job opportunities this week?

Are you ready for our new hashtagjob opportunities this week?Check out the JDs and start contact our recruitment consultants!? Corporate Strategy Manager - Contact Brandon K. Park, MBA? Sales Account Manager - Contact Leah Shi? Operations Manager - Contact Carson Zhu? Sample Coordinator (SCM) - Contact Kamila KangYou can also visit our website now to see more information about these openings and apply

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 04.07.2024, Read : 84

No.245. Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!

Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!Let's take a moment to appreciate the history of Independence Day!

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 02.07.2024, Read : 88

No.244. Join us in welcome new Thailand office new consultant, Kran Wannakhaw!

Our teams are expanding across Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand. Cesna Recruitment is pleased to introduce our new consultant, Kran Wannakhaw, who bring a wealth of recruiting experience to provide exceptional value to clients and candidates spanning various industries. Kran is an experienced professional with a diverse background in business development, payable and finance analysis, and recruitment consulting in the finace and accounting field. Let's join us in welcome Kran to our Thailand team! #new #member #career #cesna #recruitment

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 28.06.2024, Read : 99

No.243. Celebrating the 10th work anniversary of Alex Park from our Seoul Team!

Today we celebrate the 10th work anniversary of Alex Park from our Seoul Team! Your unwavering dedication and positive approach with professionalism, is a valuable asset to the team. Ten years is no small feat! Thanks for all that you do and we are grateful for your loyalty and commitment to the business as well as the support offered to our team. Congratulation! #happyworkanniversary #seoul #Cesna #career

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 26.06.2024, Read : 99

No.242. We're thrilled to welcome Nikki Hatagawa to join out team!

This month, we're thrilled to welcome new talent, Nikki Hatagawa to joining our HR, Accounting and Finance team in New Jersey office. Nikki is originally from Japan and has already accumulated five years of HR & Recruiting experience in the industry.Fun fact: Nikki can speak Filipino as she grew up from the vibrant streets of the Philippines when she was young.Join us in giving her a big Cesna Group welcome! hashtag#welcometotheteam hashtag#newjoiner hashtag#cesna hashtag#recruitment

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 14.06.2024, Read : 161

No.241. Join us in celebrating Brandon Park of his 6th work anniversary!

Wishing a heartfelt congratulations to Brandon K. Park on celebrating his 6th work anniversary this month of June! Your contributions have been instrumental in our collective success. Here's to many more years of growth, achievement, and shared success together. Congratulations once again on this remarkable work anniversary!#happyworkanniversary #USA #Cesna #career

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 11.06.2024, Read : 185

No.240. Shout out to our Top Biller winner, Dennis Park from Shanghai office!

Shout out to our Top Biller winner, Dennis Park from Shanghai office! Here at Cesna Group, the quarter top billers are rewarded for all of their hard work and dedication with an all-expense paid trip to somewhere tropical to enjoy holiday with their friend or family! Last week, our outstanding quarter top biller Dennis well-spent three days at the Hidden Cliff Hotel & Nature in Jeju! He got to explore all the area had to offer, including staying in a luxury resort and tasting a variety of delicious meals! We're glad they enjoyed themselves, and look forward to see who gets to take the trip next time, wherever the destination will be!

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 28.05.2024, Read : 201

No.239. Join us in celebrating our successful Q3 Top Biller, Misaki Russell!

Join us in celebrating our successful Q3 Top Biller, Misaki Russell!Misaki not only stood out as top biller but also consistently achieved remarkable milestones. Her dedication, expertise, and proven track record in the industry have truly impressed us. We are honored to have her on board with us!Come join us build a career at Cesna Group - we are waiting for you!

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 28.05.2024, Read : 175

No.238. Join us in congratulating Jin Park on this milestone achievement!

Jin Park, our dedicated recruitment consultant, has just made his first placement in the HR, Accounting & Finance Team. His commitment and expertise are already making a significant impact. It’s fantastic to see him thrive in this dynamic industry.Join us in congratulating Jin on this milestone achievement!

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 28.05.2024, Read : 164

No.237. Memorial Day - We thank you and honor our heroes

Today, we honor the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. Happy Memorial Day to all.

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 23.05.2024, Read : 176

No.236. Cesna Group US Teams BBQ Party

Cesna Group US Teams went for hashtagBBQ Party last Friday at Tallman Mountain to refresh and celebrate the success of our CFO & HR roundtable event!All staff of our US office traveled from their hometown and gathered here to enjoy warmer spring weather, along with fun mini-games and activities!Hope everyone had a fantastic day.Want to be part of our vibrant and dynamic team? For more information on Cesna Group and joining our growing company, please visit

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 23.05.2024, Read : 175

No.235. Join us in celebrating Fumie's first win!

Great to celebrate Fumie Aoki-Castillo's first placement this week for Cesna Group USA's HR, Accounting & Finance Team! Fumie has been a revelation ever since joining the company earlier this year, quickly developing and building strong relationships with candidates and clients culminating in a richly deserved first placement today! Keep up the excellent work Fumie!hashtag

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